This month’s #tsql2sday is being hosted by Riley Major (b|t). He ask us to “Pick some way you can help our community”. I realized my improvement with time management this year is how I can help the community.
Adapting my time management processes around David Allen’s (b|t) Getting Things Done (GTD) has been very beneficial for me this year. I’ve been a GTD practitioner for a couple of years but lost focus in 2017. When Mala Mahadevan (b|t) ask us to write down our learning goals for 2018 I knew this was the opportunity to reevaluate my GTD process. I believe this is what I can do to help our community, help others with time management. We all are being asked to do more with what seems like less time in the day. How many of you have a hard time keeping track of projects at work and home? GTD is the answer.
I’ve already written about my daily and weekly routines under GTD, but I believe it is time to provide a series of blog posts introducing you to GTD and how to get started. It took me a while to understand how to implement GTD and I hope I can provide you with the steps necessary to get rolling without the bumps that I had. Having the ability to know exactly what to work on without having to worry about all other active projects/tasks is what true time management means to me. This is the place I want to get you to, worry-free time management.